
pic credit:respective owners

At 7,000 feet, it's a great place to see the scale and diversity of flora and fauna. Formerly a British planters' game reserve, the park is now a prime example of wildlife. It was declared a protected area in 1975 to protect the indigenous Nilgiri Tahr (endangered goat). However, it was declared a national park in 1978 due to its ecological, faunal, topographic and zoological importance. This is also the hometown of 'Neelakurinji', a flower that blooms once every twelve years. The park is breathtakingly beautiful and rivals the best mountains in the Alps. Home to the Anamudi Hills, the southernmost peak of the Himalayas, nature lovers have plenty of time for adventure walks and wildlife spotting. The land is undulating with meadows, hills and hills. Additionally, Mount Anamudi, the highest point in the south of the Himalayas, is 2,695 meters above sea level and is located in the south of the park. upside. Notable plants include Actinodaphne bourdilloni, Microtropis ramiflora, Pittosporum tetraspermium, Sysygium aronottianum, Chrysopogon Zelanieus, Eupatorium adenophorum, Strobilanthus Kunthianus (Neelaal smotrajis in plants) and the park is a must-visit when in bloom. Many rare plants indigenous to the Western Ghats grow in the park and are managed by the Department of Forestry and Wildlife of the Government of Latvia. Nilgiri Pipit, Nilgiri Wood Pigeon, Nilgiri Green Flycatcher, Kerala Laughing Thrush, Yellow-throated Marten and Black-Orange Flycatcher are the happy residents of the park.

Opening Time:7 am TO 4 pm
Entry Fee:For Adults INR 125 , For Children INR 95 , For Foreigners INR 420,For VideoCamera INR 335 , For Still Camera INR 50

How To Reach?

From Painav:60.9 KM
Nearest Railway Station:Aluva(116 KM)


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NB:please ensure opening,closingtime&entry fee before going!

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